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Berita - Technologi © 2011-03-16 : 04:39:54 (4790 hari 16:01:41 lalu)
The Power to be your best ternyata tak ku duga, di sini mulai cerita
KRONOLOGIS KARYA » NUCLEAR POWER ENERGY TSUNAMI IN JAPAN, EARTHQUAKE MARCH 2011 ± Berita - Technologi © MIS. Posted : 2011-03-16 : 04:39:54 (4790 hari 16:01:41 lalu) HITS : 2175 lyrict-lagu-pilihan-lama kumpulan puisi mutiarasukma18
RESENSI : NuclearPowerEnergyTsunamiinJapan,EarthquakeMarch2011–TheMarch11,20118.9-magnitudeearthquakeandtsunamiineasternJapanhastriggeredconcernsof
Nuclear Power Energy Tsunami in Japan, Earthquake March 2011 – The March 11, 2011 8.9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan has triggered concerns of a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, situated approximately 50 miles north of Tokyo. THE partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in the United States in 1979 stopped the growth of the world’s nuclear power industry in its tracks. See video Tsunami Japan here.
At a press conference, Kaieda said that utility companies such as the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPOC) and Tohoku Electric Power Co. will carry out planned power cuts in their service areas to avoid massive power failures. But blackouts will likely be resumed to meet peak demand during the summer even though the company will likely be able to secure 54 million kw of supplies by then, the company said.
The role that nuclear power, with its near-zero emissions, could play in replacing coal-fired power stations fuelled talk of a renaissance for the industry. Given the world’s 442 existing reactors are to be joined by 65 new reactors currently under construction, talk of a renaissance was fair enough. The No.3 reactor at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant lost its ability to cool the reactor core early Sunday, said the TEPOC, operator and owner of the Fukushima nuclear power plants. The reactor became the sixth to lose the function after No.1 and No.2 reactors at the No. 1 plant and No.1, No.2 and No.4 at the No.2 plant had suffered the same trouble.


Jawa, 2011-03-16 : 04:39:54
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