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Berita - Kesehatan © 2011-12-04 : 06:30:00 (4726 hari 07:17:28 lalu)
The Power to be your best ternyata tak ku duga, di sini mulai cerita
KRONOLOGIS KARYA » 13 LIGHT FISH RECIPES FOR DINNER ± Berita - Kesehatan © Ayu. Posted : 2011-12-04 : 06:30:00 (4726 hari 07:17:28 lalu) HITS : 1732 lyrict-lagu-pilihan-lama ()
RESENSI : Swapping out heaving proteins, such as beef or pork, for something lighter like fish can do the trick; and there will be no loss in satisfaction as fish is packed with flavor.
This time of year usually means one thing: We crave less light meals,
like salads and fruits, and are more attracted to heavier, heartier
meals. The only problem with those warm and comforting dishes is that
they tend to be a bit more calorific, which can in turn have an impact
on our waistlines.

Well, it might be time to put a stop to the winter weight gain cycle,
and give yourself a chance for a different type of New Year's
Resolution this year with a simple change in menu. Swapping out heaving
proteins, such as beef or pork, for something lighter like fish can do
the trick; and there will be no loss in satisfaction as fish is packed
with flavor.

Fish will certainly satisfy the need for something warm and
comforting on these cold nights and is also very versatile -- giving you
a plethora of recipe options that you will not tire of eating. These 13
fish recipes are just the tip of iceberg when it comes to what you can
do with this lean protein. Take them as a launching pad and personalize
them to your tastes.

source :|aim|dl4|sec1_lnk2|116101


Jl. Ry Kopo 34, 2011-12-04 : 06:30:00
Salam Hormat
Ayu Lestari Dwi

Ayu Lestari Dwi mulai gabung sejak tepatnya Minggu, 2010-11-28 08:09:24. Ayu Lestari Dwi mempunyai motto Jika kita enggan melakukan hal yang kecil manamungkin kita dapat melakukan tugas yang besar
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Total : 376 Karya Tulis


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