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Berita - Technologi © 2012-03-07 : 19:59:36 (4604 hari 02:17:27 lalu)
The Power to be your best ternyata tak ku duga, di sini mulai cerita
KRONOLOGIS KARYA » SOLAR SYSTEM ± Berita - Technologi © Ayu. Posted : 2012-03-07 : 19:59:36 (4604 hari 02:17:27 lalu) HITS : 2469 lyrict-lagu-pilihan-lama ()
RESENSI : You are a member of the highest developed civilization you know - your own. You are space borne in one of this state-of-the-art starships traveling through this newly discovered galaxy.
You are a member of the highest developed civilization you know - your own. You are space borne in one of this state-of-the-art starships traveling through this newly discovered galaxy. As most of the time nothing really interesting happens. You are surrounded by a myriad of sparkling, diamond-like luminous spots, the lights of far away stars that are embedded in the deepest, infinite black you can imagine.

You've entered this solar system about a quarter of a megasecond ago, your relative position is approximately 8 parsecs (26 000 ly) from the center of this spiral galaxy, about halfway towards its edge (see image below). As you'll learn later, the galaxy is known here as Milky Way. You turn on your favorite music and start to dance, looking at the stars, the alternating bass of the music lets vibrate your cells and makes you feel floating.
Glaring Light!
In an instant your spaceship shades the windows. On your journey you've passed a star, a large sphere of really hot plasma. The data display shows that it is a 'yellow dwarf' of spectral type G2 – nothing special, one of more than 252 billion stars in this galaxy.
The stars age is about 4.5 billion years, it is a relative young star in the midst of its hydrogen burning.
This happens in the usual way suns do it - they convert hydrogen into helium in their core by means of nuclear fusion — elementary for suns.

Your travel leads you deeper into the star's planetary system.

You've reprogrammed your spacecraft to approach one of the promising planets in the system -
it's the third planet counted outward from its star.
Minutes later you see a crystal blue sphere, a shining, sparkling oasis in the desert of frozen matter.

It's a planet, covered with liquid water, one of the most precious elements in the known universe - and basic prerequisite for live as you know it.
In this moment you realize, this is all in all the most beautiful place within the next several
thousand light years. Closing your mouth you look at the ships main data terminal.

The data display shows, the celestial globe is a relatively middle sized rocky planet in just the right distance
of its sun, that water can exist in its liquid form, the best condition for live.

You will learn that the planet's inhabitants (who are able to verbalize in English) call the planet EARTH.


Jl. Ry Kopo 34, 2012-03-07 : 19:59:36
Salam Hormat
Ayu Lestari Dwi

Ayu Lestari Dwi mulai gabung sejak tepatnya Minggu, 2010-11-28 08:09:24. Ayu Lestari Dwi mempunyai motto Jika kita enggan melakukan hal yang kecil manamungkin kita dapat melakukan tugas yang besar
Berita : 156 Karya
Puisi : 81 Karya
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Cerita Bersambung : 1 Karya
Laporan : 3 Karya
Opini : 10 Karya
Surat dari Hati : 79 Karya
Sejarah : 2 Karya
Sajak : 1 Karya
Biografi : 3 Karya
Pantun : 2 Karya
Resensi : 6 Karya
Surat Cinta : 2 Karya
Total : 376 Karya Tulis


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